photo-reflexive stone formations change colors according to sunlight

kazutaka shioi’s SHA-KO-SEKI stones reflect natural light


For his solo exhibition, artist Kazutaka Shioi introduces SHA-KO-SEKI, a series of large light-reflecting stone formations. The project, named after the word indicating ‘a stone that captures light’, is, in fact, a photographic work. While appearing as ordinary stones of various sizes, shapes, and colors, each structure is meticulously crafted by affixing ‘photographs’ onto its surface, capturing the essence of light from Munakata Taisha, a local shrine in Japan. The stones’ surfaces are colored with inkjet-printed inks, causing them to swiftly undergo changes when consistently exposed to direct sunlight.

photo-reflexive stone formations change colors according to sunlight
all images by Takumix



fading colors symbolize concepts of reincarnation


SHA-KO-SEKI undergoes a deliberate fading process when exposed to sunlight, representing the artist‘s conceptualization of the natural cycle of life and death. The fading colors symbolize a return to the origin, echoing Eastern philosophies and Buddhist concepts of reincarnation. As individual stones gradually turn white over time, the work embodies a profound connection between the physical fading phenomenon and a philosophical interpretation rooted in oneness and the eternal cycle of existence.

photo-reflexive stone formations change colors according to sunlight
only twelve days after set up, the colors of the light-reflective stone have changed entirely

photo-reflexive stone formations change colors according to sunlight
the artist follows a process of ink-jet printing on Washi paper that later applies to the stone

photo-reflexive stone formations change colors according to sunlight
the stones are initially coated with Urethane paint

photo-reflexive stone formations change colors according to sunlight
Kazutaka Shioi affixes ‘photographs’ onto the surface

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