What makes Indian Sandstone Paving So Popular?

  1. Modak

Modak Sandstone is a well-known Indian sandstone that is mostly renowned for its understated appearance and incredible slip-resistant qualities. Given the specific requirements of the application, this sandstone is first extracted as rough sandstone blocks and then processed to produce slabs of various widths.

It is an all-weather natural stone for an architectural application because of its capacity to provide constant performance against various elements over long periods of time.

  1. Agra Red

This red sandstone is commonly known as Dholpur Red Sandstone. The iron oxides that are near to its bedding sites are what give this colour its origin. It received the name “Agra Red” from the fact that its quarries were close to Agra City.

Sandstone has long been the material of choice for architects, builders, homeowners, and other professionals working on a variety of projects.

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